Friday, May 31, 2024

The 2024 Presidential election

I used to enjoy politics.  I don't anymore.  One one side we have a convicted felon.  On the other side we have someone who is just as guilty as the first guy, but has managed to stay away from getting prosecuted.  The choice is like asking, "Would you rather take cyanide or ricin?"  Uhhh....  Neither.

Why are we in such a mess?  It takes a lot to run for President of the United States.  You need a lot of money.  You need a lot of support.  You need an incredible amount of drive to keep the campaign schedule.  Then, if you become President, you are The President 24x7x365x4.  Not a lifestyle I aspire to as I get older.  All of these factors narrows the field dramatically.  Think along the lines of professional athletes and the weeding out process they go through.  That's how politics have become.

The parties have each shifted away from the center.  They are dominated by the extremes of each party.  We need to govern from the center.  Our legislation needs to be reasonable and not extreme.  And while my political leanings are generally more conservative, I don't want a convicted felon representing me and my country.  But I also don't want to adopt the ideologies and legislative agenda of the other side, either.  Therefore I have zero viable options.  The cyanide/ricin choice rings in my head.  I want something completely different, like a Tylenol for my headache, not something that will kill me.  But there isn't any Tylenol in the store, just cyanide and ricin.  We need to do better, but we've got a pair of immoral guys who won't give up their ambitions and let someone else run.  The parties want to win and are too stuck on "their guy" that they won't support a different candidate.  Welcome to the presidential election of 2024.  The election of cyanide or ricin.  Heaven help us.

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